Understanding Immunization Requirements
This page provides information about the immunization requirements for students entering Rutgers University. It covers the process of accessing the Rutgers Immunization Portal, completing mandatory health forms, obtaining the necessary immunization records, and uploading them to the portal.
All new graduate students at Rutgers University-Camden must comply with the immunization requirements set by the state of New Jersey and the university. The Immunization Record must be completed, regardless of whether you are requesting an exemption for medical or religious reasons. For more details on exemptions, please refer to the information provided at the bottom of the portal instruction page. You will not be able to register for classes until you have submitted your immunization record. Keep in mind that completing these requirements may take time, so remember to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider accordingly.
General Requirements
Disease and Requirement |
Students participating in clinical activities and/or at risk of exposure to blood or potentially infectious body fluids (Categories 1,2, 3) |
General Rutgers Student Population (Category 4) |
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) 2 doses of vaccine or serologic proof of immunity |
Required |
Required |
Tuberculosis (TB) testing |
Required |
Required* |
Hepatitis B Vaccination and titer |
Required |
Required** |
Influenza Annual dose of vaccine in the fall |
Required |
Recommended |
Varicella 2 doses of vaccine or serologic proof of immunity |
Required |
Recommended |
Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis Primary series plus Tdap booster |
Required |
Recommended |
Required for students at high risk for TB (listed on the Immunization Record)
** For student taking 12 or more credits
Meningitis Vaccination Requirements
Please note: Vaccination recommendations and requirements may change if an outbreak of meningitis occurs on campus. You will be notified if this occurs.
Disease and Requirement |
Students participating in clinical activities and/or at risk of exposure to blood or potentially infectious body fluids (Categories 1,2, 3) |
General Rutgers Student Population (Category 4) |
Meningococcal meningitis ACYW At least 1 dose after the age of 16 or within 5 years of the original vaccine. IF YOUNGER THAN 19 |
Required |
Required |
Meningococcal meningitis ACYW At least 1 dose after the age of 16 or within 5 years of the original vaccine. IF FIRST YEAR LIVING ON CAMPUS |
Required*** |
Required*** |
*** Students who fall into certain high-risk groups are also required to get vaccinated. These groups include those with complement component deficiency or who take a medication called a complement inhibitor, individuals without a spleen or with spleen-related issues (such as sickle cell disease), people infected with HIV, those who have traveled to an area where the disease is prevalent (for travel-related risks, visit www.cdc.gov/travel), and individuals who work in a laboratory with meningococcal bacteria (Neisseria meningitidis).
Disease and Requirement |
Students participating in clinical activities and/or at risk of exposure to blood or potentially infectious body fluids (Categories 1,2, 3) |
General Rutgers Student Population (Category 4) |
Meningococcal meningitis B |
Requirements below |
Requirements below |
Vaccination is only required for individuals who meet specific criteria, including having complement component deficiency or using a complement inhibitor medication (e.g., eculizumab), having no spleen or experiencing spleen-related issues like sickle cell disease, or working in a laboratory with meningococcal bacteria (Neisseria meningitidis). While MenB vaccination is not mandatory, individuals aged 16-23 may choose to receive it for short-term protection against most strains of MenB disease. For more information about meningococcal disease and MenB vaccination, please visit www.cdc.gov/meningococcal.
Steps for Uploading Immunization Records & COVID Vaccination Information
To access the requirements and reporting processes, please visit the Rutgers Immunization Portal. You can find all the necessary health and immunization requirements and forms on the Rutgers Immunization Portal. To log in, use your NETID and password, and select Rutgers from the dropdown list.
Complete the Online Mandatory Health Form
Access the “Forms” tab on the Rutgers Immunization Portal (https://rutgers.medicatconnect.com) and diligently fill out the Online Mandatory Health Form. This form is crucial for compliance with immunization requirements.
Obtain and Complete the Immunization Record
From the Rutgers Immunization Portal, download and print the appropriate immunization packet tailored to your school or program. This packet includes the essential immunization record form and healthcare provider checklist, which outline the specific immunizations mandated for your academic pursuit. Take prompt action to complete these forms.
Collaborate with Your Healthcare Provider
Share the complete immunization packet, including the Healthcare Provider Checklist and immunization record form, with your healthcare provider. Ensure that your provider meticulously fills out all sections of the immunization packet, signs the Immunization Record, and attaches any additional necessary documents like lab results or x-ray reports. Open communication and attention to detail are vital in this process.
Upload the Completed Immunization Record
Once your healthcare provider has accurately completed and signed the immunization record, proceed to upload it to the designated “Upload” tab on the Rutgers Immunization Portal. Remember to include any supporting materials provided by your healthcare provider, such as lab reports and x-rays, to facilitate the verification process.
Upload COVID Vaccination Information
Follow these steps to upload your COVID vaccination details: get vaccinated and, if eligible, receive the booster dose; take clear pictures of your updated vaccine card using your phone; access the “upload vaccine and covid info” section on the Rutgers Immunization Portal (https://rutgers.medicatconnect.com); upload the captured images of your vaccine card and enter the dates of your vaccinations. Take prompt action to meet the requirements and ensure a smooth process.
When planning your schedule and completing the necessary immunization requirements, it is important to note that students who receive funding from the Graduate School-Camden must register for classes within 30 days of accepting the funding offer. Be sure to factor in this timeframe to ensure timely registration.
However, to comply with university immunization requirements, all forms must be submitted by the following deadlines: July 15 for students entering in the Fall semester and January 5 for students entering in the Spring semester. If you have been admitted to the University after the deadline, it is crucial that you promptly return the forms without delay.
Need Assistance? Get Answers to Your Questions
We understand that this can be a complex process, and we want to assure you that our dedicated team is here to provide the support you need. If you have any questions or require additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are always available to help. Below you will find some frequently asked questions for your reference.
What is the cost of immunizations?
The cost of immunizations at the Student Wellness Center can be found at: https://wellnesscenter.camden.rutgers.edu/costs-for-services.
Important Note: If you have Rutgers University’s health insurance through United Healthcare – the cost of immunizations may be free.
Can I be exempt from getting these vaccinations and testing?
Exemptions will be allowed only on bona fide religious or medical grounds and must be requested in writing. To be exempted on a religious basis, the student must submit a written statement explaining how the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with his or her religious beliefs. To be exempted on medical grounds, the student must submit a written statement form signed by a physician or advance practice nurse indicating that an immunization is medically contraindicated for a specific period of time, and setting forth the reason(s) for the medical contraindication, based upon valid medical reasons.
In the event of a contagious outbreak, un-immunized students will not be allowed on campus.
What are the penalties for not meeting immunization requirements?
If you are living in University housing, you will not be able to obtain your room key on move in day if you have not received the meningococcal vaccination. If you are not compliant with the MMR or TB skin testing (if indicated) requirements, a hold will be placed on your grades and transcripts.
Do I need a physical exam?
While regular preventive care and health maintenance visits with your health care provider are recommended, a full physical exam is not required. We do recommend that those students with chronic health problems bring a copy of their medical records to campus in the event that care at one of our health centers is required. After enrollment, it is also a good idea for those students with chronic health problems to schedule a “get acquainted” visit with a physician at the Student Wellness Center.